I love facilitating the collaborative process of dreaming up and producing content that creates buzz, solves problems, and makes the most of every opportunity. Which is good, because that’s exactly what I’ve spent my career doing. A surprise encounter with a sassy vending machine Pitching Congress for support of music education Expanding the definition of Hospice Creating an iconic image to humanize healthcare When wiper blades go bad Kale Yeah! – The first healthy competitive eating contest A creative refresh for a trusted brand of filters Recognizing the good being done in our community Guiding seniors through the Medicare maze Making wiper blades social-media worthy Personalizing patient recruitment Hucksters, charlatans & ne’er-do-wells Hidden camera hijinks Inviting art lovers to solve a mystery Boosting attendance at a national conference Maybe parents really do know best Odds, ends & random miscellany Having some fun with the Buffalo Bills